
"A lazy gardener's memoir of hope against all odds. Hardly a "how to" book; more of a "What I did and didn't do." Full of approachable poetry that is more prose-story, with a LOT of humor, while symbolically addressing the themes of renewal, faith, belief, grief, resurrection and hope."
To purchase directly from me, see my book page HERE.
The second book of poetry, written and designed by Heather J. Kirk, is LIVE! Order here or on Amazon. After you have a chance to read the book, would you consider reviewing the book on Amazon?
Click HERE for AMAZON, print and Kindle.
"May you find laughter, profound insight, hope and renewal. Blessings to you in the name of Jesus." -Heather J. Kirk
Heather’s writing inspiration arises from her own experiences, whether in a physical garden, or encounters in the “mission field” of life. Her work is firmly planted in a faith that no matter how difficult life can be in this out of sync world, “all things work together for good.”
Published by Abundant Eight Creative and PhotoGraphic Artistry and Publishing.

Listen to TALK the WALK Radio Show with Host Cristina Eve on Elation Radio. Our guest Heather J. Kirk is an Author, Graphic Designer and Leader of Writing on Purpose / Writing for God Bible Study. They will discuss Heather’s book of poetry We…a spirit seeking harmony for a world that’s out of sync and the changes in her life that brought the book about. Learn what it took to get her to do what she knew God was calling her to do.
BELOW: Links to Heather's Graphic Design Work, Art, Fashion and Book sites (WHEW! That's a lot!):

Graphic Design Samples and Links to Logos, Brochure, Business Card, Post Cards and Book Covers: http://hjkirk.wixsite.com/heatherkirkgraphics
Longtime Artist and Graphic Designer Heather J. Kirk adds her photographic art to clothing and accessories. In her own education about the garment industry, it soon became 'Art and Fashion for a Cause.' She is a proud supporter of World Vision and Eternally Cherished programs that prevent and intervene in sex and human trafficking around the world. In learning the ropes of the fashion industry she seeks to support the human rights of garment workers and encourage ethical purchasing by consumers, and creators, all along the supply chain, down to socially responsible fabrics.
Fine Art Photography by Heather J Kirk for Homes, Offices, Hospitality Industry, Interior Design, Real Estate:(Click on slide show below)

"We...a spirit seeking harmony for a world that's out of sync" by Heather J. Kirk
A journey of faith and hope, through the trials of life. We, like Elijah, like Jesus Christ, and if I can be so bold as to include myself, can expect pain and difficulties - and through them expect to find hope and purpose.
Print and Kindle Versions here:
Click to Download PDF version